Admin LTE

Admin LTE is full theme and building for site admin.

Admin LTE is an absolutely stunning free Bootstrap dashboard theme from almsaeedstudio.  It is fully responsive and built on top of Bootstrap 3.

Admin LTE comes shipped with the following  :


  1. Dashboard
  2. Mailbox
  3. Calendar
  4. Invoice
  5. Lockscreen
  6. Login
  7. Register
  8. 404 Error
  9. 500 Error
  10. Blank page


  1. Boostrap Slider
  2. Ion slider
  3. Bootstrap WYSIHTML5
  4. CKEditor
  5. Bootstrap Colorpicker
  6. Bootstrap Date range Picker
  7. Bootstrap Time Picker
  8. Data Tables
  9. Flot
  10. Morris.js
  11. Sparkilne
  12. Full Calendar
  13. iCheck
  14. jQuery input mask
  15. jQuery Knob
  16. jVector Map
  17. Slim Scroll
  18. Pace